How To Market High-Tech In Today's Global Economy

The old ways of generating leads no longer work. Cold calling, unfocused direct mail campaigns, sporadic trade-show appearances, e-mail blasts, telemarketing, are tools of the past that once were effective. But today’s business environment is different from what it was just ten years ago, especially for a complex sale that involves substantial investment and the buy-in of the buyer’s senior management. At the same time, as budgets shrink, marketing and sales teams are expected to do more with less. Generating leads today thus requires a well-crafted, well-researched and proven lead generation strategy that... more

Understanding How Hospitals Buy Medical Technology

Modern hospitals depend heavily on medical technology to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. A typical mid-sized hospital has thousands of pieces of medical technology, from simple stethoscopes and blood pressure monitors to highly sophisticated MRI machines and linear accelerators. Hence, hospitals are complex enterprises with entire departments dedicated to technology planning, assessment, acquisition, maintenance, upgrade and replacement at the end of the life cycle. They have elaborate systems, programs, policies, procedures and protocols in place for... more

What Medical Technology Marketing Professionals Should Know About Product Reliability

While hospitals provide healthcare services to the public, they are also in the business of making profits, like any other businesses. Naturally, they want the cost of operating medical technology to be as low as possible, especially when it involves expensive technology. When equipment malfunctions, it means downtime and the inability to treat or diagnose patients while waiting for repairs to be complete. This is frustrating to customers and the manufacturer. Frequent breakdowns result in a high number of complaints, high cost of complaints investigation and product repair, a loss of good will, and even product recall or cancellation... more

Knowing Who Reads Your Medical Device White Paper

To write a successful medical device white paper a writer has to know the who, why and how concerning buying decisions in hospital settings. A typical hospital is a complex enterprise that owns a tremendous variety of devices, supplies, gauges and drugs for monitoring, diagnostics and the treatment of patients and disease prevention. Hence, to manage thousands of pieces of medical technology hospitals have a complex system of supervision, which consists of many departments, elaborate policies, procedures and protocols. A sales person cannot just walk in and start pitching. Protocols and procedures must be observed, or the doors will be shut forever... more

How to Write a Lead-Generating White Paper for a Medical Device


Unlike other products, a medical device presents special challenges to a white paper writer. For example, writing methods that effectively sell DVD players are ineffective for selling MRI machines to hospitals. Why? Because a medical device directly interacts with human bodies, and therefore gives rise to risks of injury. Actually, the main concern of medical device manufacturers is to mitigate the risks to patients or users while delivering the maximum possible benefits. All medical device manufacturers must comply with the medical device regulations that ensure safety and efficacy of devices. Hence, when writing for the medical technology industry, a writer enters... more

Essential Tips on Writing an Effective Case Study for a Medical Device


Typically, a medical device case study is a 500 to 800-word article on how the device improved the diagnosis or treatment of patients. It can also be a success story of how the device increased productivity, revenues, saved money, improved regulatory compliance or reduced downtime. Essentially, a case study is the end user’s testimonial on the benefits of the device. The structure of a case study for a patient diagnostics... more





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